The project is NOT dead...

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The project is NOT dead...

#1 Post by siggy » 15 Mar 2021, 11:48

The editors seem to be unhappy that someone is speaking up here. Previous posts are deleted and threads becoming locked.

My post with a genuine and fair question as to alternative (and more active projects) and whether 4 years of inactiveness would constitute this project being declared dead was deleted .

So, let me go out on a limb here and say that a software project without progress in 4 years, is not a live project. Respectfully and politely I'd once again request for more transparency or the opening of the project for others to contribute.

For the person who mentioned in a different and locked thread that I should be happy because his blinds have been working with rflink for 5 years, I'll just say that I am really happy for you! However, it doesn't help the many others, like myself, who can't get my devices to work.

I'd appreciate a response in the same spirit of respect.Those who did work on this 4 years ago deserve a lot of respect for putting it together. At the same time, those who have bought and assembled this kit and are active here and who have a genuine interest in moving this project forward deserve respect for that too. It is in that spirit, transparency with regards to progress is expected.

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Re: The project is NOT dead...

#2 Post by Stuntteam » 15 Mar 2021, 13:18

The last beta is from 2 days ago. The fact that it is not public does not mean things are not moving.
Many many people are getting support both with protocol implementations and help with how to use it in various platforms.
I have sent you a PM regarding your non-working devices.
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